torsdag den 2. juni 2011

Love Favorite Phrases And Nice Saying

If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance. by Abraham Lincoln Words

You see through love, and that deludes your sight, As what is straight seems crooked through the water. by John Dryden Qutations

Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading. by Quintus Septimius Tertullianus Phrases

I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me. by A A Milne WinniethePooh One liners

One must be poor to know the luxury of giving. by George Eliot

I dream of wayward gulls and all landless lovers, rare moments of winter sun, peace, privacy, for everyone. by William F Claire

When its a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. by Voltaire

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count them decide everything. by Josef Stalin

He is a fool that cannot conceal his wisdom. by Benjamin Franklin

He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas. by Benjamin Franklin

I am wealthy in my friends. by William Shakespeare

You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. by Wayne Gretzky

Outer space is no place for a person of breeding. by Lady Violet Bonham Carter

Oh, that lovely title, ex-president. by Dwight D Eisenhower

My mind to me a kingdom is,
Such present joys therein I find,
That it excels all other bliss. by Sir Edward Dyer

Cool Daily Phrases And Inspirational Quote
New self determination Sayings

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