torsdag den 30. september 2010

Wise Phrases And People Wise Phrase

If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets. by Mel Brooks Phrases

Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. by Jeanne Moreau Sayings

What we call our despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope. by George Eliot Middlemarch Qutations

Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting. by Alan Dean Foster To the Vanishing Point Qutations

I think it would be totally inappropriate for me to even contemplate what I am thinking about. by Don Mazankowski

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. by LaoTzu

God help those who do not help themselves. by Wilson Mizner

There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity. by Douglas MacArthur

The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another. by George Eliot

Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders, than from the arguments of its opposers. by William Penn

It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak. by Eric Hoffer

If you want to get across an idea, wrap it up in a person. by Ralph Bunche

What does it matter how one comes by the truth so long as one pounces upon it and lives by it by Henry Miller

You couldn't even prove the White House staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt. by Ed Meese

You know I say just what I think, and nothing more and less. I cannot say one thing and mean another. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Romantic Proverbs And Memorable Cute Quote
Famous Quotes

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